Implications of Health Effects Research for Policy Decisions on Particulate Matter

January 29-30, 2001
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada


PDF Files:
* Powerpoint Introduction
* Overview of Reanalysis of Harvard Six Cities Study and American Cancer Society Study of Particulate Air Pollution and Mortality (47 pages)

Table 1 Table 4 Table 7
Table 2 Table 5 Figures 1 & 2
Table 3 Table 6 Figure 3 (not availabe)

Colloquium I Outcomes:
Policy Relevant Research Prioirities
Overview of Conference Proceedings - Special Issue of Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health Part A 2003 Vol. 66 No. 16-19

Epidemiological research carried out over the past 20 years provides a foundation for policy decisions to protect public health from long term exposure to airborne particulate matter. Recent research efforts to address uncertainties in results from large scale cohort mortality studies, to identify risk factors for morbidity and mortality, and to characterize the impact of particulate air pollution on life expectancy have important risk management implications. The objective of the Colloquium, the first in a linked series, is to interpret the current state of science for evidence-based decision-making on air quality objectives.

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Last Updated: February 19, 2008
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